Just like for the rest of the world struggling with pandemic, the past months have been simply mad. When not juggling between work, homeschooling or finalising the constructions plans, we have spent a lot of time in Kaislaranta recharging. It has been a fresh alternative for the constant worry about social distancing or how to succeed in feeding the family multiple times a day. It has also been good to get a thorough feel of the site. As a result, our plans has evolved. More about that later.

Pretty, in a battle field kind of way?

In addition, we have also made some decisions about landscaping. An element we really like and thus plan to retain as is are the rocky areas near the water, in the middle and the back of the site. Thus, it was a pleasant surprise to discover more rock on both sides of the entrance, hiding under a (relatively) thin layer of moss.

Day 1: How it all got started!

Being action oriented people and eager to start DOING something (instead of just planning), it didn’t take much time from decision to action. What could be a better way to combine landscaping, family time and a work out than removing the moss manually?

There is still quite a lot to remove and wheelbarrow away, but the right side of the entrance is almost clean. And it is already looking great – a suspicious and disheveled turned into classic and cool. We will also plant some small mountain pines behind the rock, to redefine the yard area in a fresh way.

The best part is that the newly revealed rock just bathes in the evening sun. Maybe a bit early, but Minna and the kids are already thinking about bean bags, snacks and some good reading. Can’t wait to share the before and after shots when ready.

Posted by:Minna

Loves trail running, builds a home with Team Olive Green at the sea, does all kinds of silly stuff with two minors and a dachshund.

5 replies on “First decisions about landscaping

  1. Joulukorttia ei voi lähettää, kun ei tämänhetkisen asumuksen osoitetta ole suuremmin jaeltu… => hirvee ongelma.


    1. Päivän parhaat naurut! No, ei ole jaeltu, syynä lähinnä saamattomuus. Päättykö sun puhelinnumero edelleen nollaan, voisin laittaa tekstarilla, eihän tätä perinnettä passaa katkaista 🙂


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